On The Outskirts of Khayelitsha

The Boom town film crew and myself headed out to Nkanini in Khayelitsha earlier this year to cast some of the locals and do some location scouting for an upcoming PSA.
Driving in not knowing what to expect at all, we parked in an open piece of land covered with sand, we unpacked all of our camera equipment and started chatting to the necessary people for permission to shoot.
Its pretty daunting going into a township not knowing anyone, not being able to communicate except for my very limited Zulu vocabulary, holding a big camera!Now having to connect with complete strangers, a different culture and get them to allow me to photograph them.They welcomed me with open arms, especially the children.They danced, sang, ran around after us, loved the camera, I'd sit down for a second and would be surrounded with children.
All filled with the excitement of what was going there was the greatest vibe amoung us all.

It was the best two days I have ever experienced in the time i have been a photographer, I can't wait to go back.
Here are afew of the Photographes
JBP x 

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